Partnership advantages

Life Quality

IT industry development both of the town and the region to bring added value to socially important fields - education, law, infrastructure etc.

Social Power

Possibility to list your name into the records of Konotop history, to design IT future.

Professional Perks

Networking, communication and experience sharing with IT market leaders. Professional support of future university applicants and ability to encourage them to choose IT field. Experience sharing and events arrangements concerning projects implementation. Apply your skills as a team player.


Representatives of the partners, who has membership is Cluster, take part in the events under special terms: they either have discounts or do it for free. They have chance to promote the initiative concerning projects implementation once they are targeted IT industry development.

How to join Konotop IT Cluster

Fill in
the application
on the website

an approved answer
of the Board

Add membership terms*

* Allowance membership lasts for half a year. Board members have right to propose additional membership terms to be agreed.

If you got interested in IT Cluster activity
and you want to join our community – submit an application.

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