Membership advantages

Social Power

Possibility to design the future of the town being a member of a highly committed team, chance to list your name into Konotop historical records.


Sharing of experience, practical views and achievements with the colleagues from leading companies, collaboration to implement IT projects.


Possibility to promote your own brand via participation in a variety of events and overall support of public organisation.

Life Quality

Collaborative development of town sectors, which are socially valuable, investments attraction and working places creation.

People Assets

Our partners get an access to the data of young IT specialists as well as the information about talented people graduated from higher educational establishments.


IT Cluster members are able to negotiate with both Ukrainian and world enterprises in IT field on behalf of the organization. They can communicate with business communities and get useful information for their own development as well.


Members of the Cluster take part in a variety of events having special terms: either having discounts or for free. Under our support you increase the chances to implement your own projects successfully targeting local IT development.

How to join Konotop IT Cluster

Fill in
the application
on the website

an approved answer
of the Board

Add membership terms*

* Allowance membership lasts for half a year. Board members have right to propose additional membership terms to be agreed.

If you got interested in IT Cluster activity
and you want to join our community – submit an application.

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